


Bazar lodí a vodáckého vybavení

Použité kajaky na divokou vodu a turistiku, sekajaky, kánoe a nafukovací lodě. Testovací kajaky, nafukovací kánoe z půjčovny a další lodě a vybavení z druhé ruky.

Free shipping in CZE

testkajak Dagger Rewind LG Action+

available at the store
TEST KAJAK - in perfect condition  
Free shipping in CZE

Gumotex Pálava 400 green - unpacked

upon inquiry
Unpacked canoe Gumotex Pálava 400 + transport bag 80L + gluing kit + valve wrench + sponge.  
CZK 24,298
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 3,303 ◀ ◀
-14 %

Rainbow Atlantis Bazaar 1

available at the store
Bazaar double seakayak from our rental, Rainbow Atlantis in very good condition.
Free shipping in CZE

test kayak Exo Zion slalom L

available at the store
Testkajak in very good condition.
Free shipping in CZE

test kayak Pyranha 9R L Stout2

available at the store
Creek kayak in perfect condition, top equipment Stout2.
CZK 26,990
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 1,090 ◀ ◀
-4 %

Gooper electronics and valuables case.

available at the store
Waterproof case for electronics and valuables with magnetic closure. Suitable for tablet, documents, small electronics.
Doprava zdarma po ČR


available at the store
The Gumotex SCOUT is an inflatable canoe with a shape reminiscent of classic laminate or plastic canoes, where the bow of…

Neoprene T-shirt short sleeve S

available at the store
Neoprene short sleeve shirt. Without print

Raft Gumotex Colorado 450 - bazaar EC

available at the store
total 2 pcs
CZK 24,999
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 2,499 ◀ ◀
-10 %
Free shipping in CZE

test kayak EXO T-REX L

available at the store
Very good condition
Free shipping in CZE

test kayak EXO T-REX S

available at the store
Kayak in very good condition.
Free shipping in CZE

testkajak Dagger Code action+ MD

available at the store
Very good condition.
Free shipping in CZE

testkajak Spade Royal Flush

available at the store
Kayak in good condition.
Free shipping in CZE

testkajak ZET Cross

available at the store
Kayak in good condition.

Waterproof tablet case.

available at the store
Waterproof case for tablet, valuables or small electronics. Mechanical closure.
Doprava zdarma po ČR


Store: +420 737 332 592
Rental: +420 722 557 117

email: info@vodacke-centrum.cz


Area of Water Element

- store + rental

Veslařská ulice (vedle sportoviště U Hrocha )

Brno - Komín, 624 00




April - September:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 18:00
Sat 8:30 - 12:00

October, March:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 17:00

November, December, January, February:

Mo - Fri 9.00 - 16.00
