A large selection of inflatable canoes, rafts and touring kayaks from Gumotex, Kutlíci Rio, Robfin...we offer bargain sets of boats and equipment!
Additional discounts for customers (3 - 8%) when paying in cash at the WE shop:
3% discount - discount for registered customers
3% discount - for purchases over 30 000 CZK
5% discount - for purchases over 50 000 CZK
Area of Water Element
- store + rental
Veslařská ulice (vedle sportoviště U Hrocha )
Brno - Komín, 624 00
April - September:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 18:00
Sat 8:30 - 12:00
October, March:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 17:00
November, December, January, February:
Mo - Fri 9.00 - 16.00
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