


Inflatable canoe

Offer inflatable canoes at the best prices.

Inflatable canoes from several Czech and foreign manufacturers (Gumotex, Robfin, Kutlíci. Advantageous sets, extended warranty, superior service. Gumotex boats with free shipping and superior service. Best selling canoes Baraka and Palava.

Additional discounts for customers (3 - 8%) when paying in cash at the WE shop:    
3% discount - discount for registered customers
3% discount - for purchases over 30 000 CZK
5% discount - for purchases over CZK 50,000

Extended Warranty
Free gift
Free shipping in CZE

Gumotex inflatable canoe Pálava 400

available at the store
Inflatable canoe Gumotex Pálava 400 impresses with its sporty appearance and excellent handling characteristics. It is ideal for…
green-grey , red and grey
CZK 29,400
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 5,810 ◀ ◀
-20 %
Extended Warranty
Price guarantee 1000 CZK
Free shipping in CZE

Gumotex inflatable canoe Baraka

available at the store
Inflatable canoe Baraka from Gumotex is the ideal solution for adventurers looking for a stable and safe boat for tackling…
green-grey , red and grey
CZK 38,500
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 7,510 ◀ ◀
-20 %
Extended Warranty
Free gift
Free shipping in CZE

Gumotex inflatable canoe Scout

available at the store
The popular inflatable canoe Gumotex Scout Standard is close to fibreglass boats in its characteristics. This sturdy canoe offers…
green-grey , red and grey
CZK 43,700
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 6,710 ◀ ◀
-15 %
Extended Warranty
Free shipping in CZE

Gumotex inflatable canoe Ruby XL

available at the store
Explore the Ruby XL inflatable canoe from Gumotex, which offers exceptional width and stability for recreational trips on lakes,…
Red and grey
CZK 48,100
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 9,600 ◀ ◀
-20 %
Free shipping in CZE

Rollers RIO canoe

available at the store
Canoe Kutlíci Rio - popular inflatable canoe for wild water.
blue , red , yellow  +2 další
CZK 29,900
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 1,510 ◀ ◀
-5 %
Extended Warranty
Free shipping in CZE

Gumotex inflatable canoe Alfonso

available at the store
The innovative ALFONSO fishing boat from Gumotex, which offers exceptional stability and space for up to three passengers. With…
Free shipping in CZE

Aquadesign inflatable canoe Azul 410

available at the store
Inflatable canoe Azul 410is the ideal boat for cruising rivers of I-III level on long trips thanks to its large capacity and…
Free shipping in CZE

Aquadesign inflatable canoe RIO 385

available at the store
Raft inflatable canoe AQUADESIGN RIO is the ideal choice for true adventurers and wild water lovers. Thanks to its latest…
Free shipping in CZE

Aquadesign inflatable canoe RIO 430

available at the store
The AQUADESIGN Rio 430 inflatable canoe is the ideal choice for adventurers and wild water lovers. This rugged raft canoe is…
CZK 30,800
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 1,400 ◀ ◀
-5 %
Free shipping in CZE

AQUA MARINA Tomahawk Air C3 canoe

for order
The high-performance inflatable canoe/kayak Tomahawk Air C3 from AQUA MARINA is ideal for 2-3 people. This model combines speed,…
Free shipping in CZE

Rollers RIO - extended canoe

available at the store
Inflatable canoe Kutlíci Rio - 110 in extended version.
blue , red , yellow  +2 další
od CZK 31,500
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 3,150 ◀ ◀
-10 %
Free shipping in CZE

Rollers RIO - extended canoe

available at the store
Inflatable canoe Kutlíci Rio in extended version 110. 
blue , red , yellow  +2 další


Store: +420 737 332 592
Rental: +420 722 557 117

email: info@vodacke-centrum.cz


Area of Water Element

- store + rental

Veslařská ulice (vedle sportoviště U Hrocha )

Brno - Komín, 624 00




April - September:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 18:00
Sat 8:30 - 12:00

October, March:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 17:00

November, December, January, February:

Mo - Fri 9.00 - 16.00
