


Pádla na kánoe a rafty

Kanoistická pádla na divoku vodu, turistiku a dětská pádla.

Široká nabídka kanoistických pádel na divokou vodu i turistiku značek Werner, Panda, Galasport, Profiplast, Bravo. Různé typy materiálů - nabízíme plastová pádla, dřevěná pádla, uhlíková pádla, karbonová pádlo na divokou vodu a turistiku. V nabídce také kvalitní dětská pádla Panda, Profiplast Dere a jiné.

Free shipping in CZE

Profiplast Extrem alu

available at the store
Profiplast Extrem alu - canoe paddle with thermoplastic blade and alu mast, suitable for both inflatable and plastic boats.
CZK 1,890
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 472 ◀ ◀
-25 %
Best seller

Panda Raft C1 101/1

available at the store
High quality plastic paddle for canoe and raft.
yellow , blue , red  +3 další
CZK 815
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 82 ◀ ◀
-10 %
Free shipping in CZE

Werner Bandit

available at the store
Excellent paddle for canoe and raft. Also ideal for slalom and downhill.
od CZK 8,575
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 2,495 ◀ ◀
-29 %

Bravo C1 Basic

externí sklad WE Brno
(expedice do 48 hod.)
Very decent paddle for a reasonable price...
CZK 545
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 46 ◀ ◀
-8 %

Galasport Pollert multicolor alu

available at the store
galasport Pollert paddle for the most demanding tourists and WW riders
Doprava zdarma po ČR

Galasport Pollert multicolor glass

for order
galasport Pollert paddle for the most demanding tourists and WW riders

Profiplast Kano Lime

available at the store
Profiplast Kano - classic canoe paddle, suitable for both inflatable and plastic boats.
CZK 995
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 200 ◀ ◀
-20 %
Free shipping in CZE

Werner Bandit Carbon

available at the store
Probably the best canoe and raft paddle in the world. Ideal also for slalom and downhill.

TNP Allround Canoe 505.0

available at the store
Basic paddle with straight blade for canoe and raft
yellow , red
CZK 985
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 40 ◀ ◀
-4 %

TNP Allround Canoe 505.2

available at the store
Basic paddle with straight blade for canoe and raft in two-piece version.
yellow , red
CZK 1,075
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 80 ◀ ◀
-7 %
Free shipping in CZE

Werner Bandito

available at the store
Excellent paddle for canoe and raft. Also ideal for slalom and downhill.
Free shipping in CZE

Galasport Magnum Elite

available at the store
The Galasport Magnum paddle in the Elite version with the best ratio of strong grip and durability.
Doprava zdarma po ČR

Galasport Magnum CA

available at the store
The paddle with the best ratio of strong bite and durability.

Panda Trek 107/1

available at the store
New paddle from Panda - Trek 1 107/1
yellow , red , blue  +3 další

TNP Raft Guide 504.0

available at the store
Paddle with enlarged blade made of tough polyethylene, duralumin blade.
yellow , red

TNP 801.0 combination

available at the store
Combination - 2 C1 paddles (145cm + 155cm) or 1 K1 paddle
yellow , red

TNP Tempo 505K.0

available at the store
TNP tourist paddle for canoe with profiled wrap side of the blade
red , yellow

Panda KANOE - children's 203

for order
Lightweight wooden canoe and raft paddle for kids.

Panda KANOE 201

available at the store
Wooden paddle for canoe and raft

Profiplast Kano

available at the store
Profiplast Kano - classic canoe paddle, suitable for both inflatable and plastic boats.
red , blue

Panda Raft 102 - children's

available at the store
Plastic children's paddle Panda.
red , black , yellow  +3 další
CZK 795
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 80 ◀ ◀
-10 %

Profiplast RAFTER alu

available at the store
Raft paddle with duralumin core.
CZK 2,080
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 245 ◀ ◀
-12 %

Profiplast SLALOM

available at the store
Thermoplastic sheet, duralumin core.
yellow , blue , black  +1 další
CZK 995
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 216 ◀ ◀
-22 %

Profiplast Dere

for order
New children's canoe paddle.

Panda combination 103

available at the store
Combination of plastic paddles: 2x canoe or 1x kayak.
black , blackberry , blue  +1 další

Panda CANADA 202 wooden

available at the store
All-wood paddle for canoe

Profiplast DeBe alu

available at the store
Dragon boat paddle...
red , yellow , blue  +1 další

TNP Children Canoe 600.0

available at the store
Children's paddle with smaller blade area and thinner blade.

Panda Raft C1 101/2 - two-piece

available at the store
High quality two-piece paddle for canoe and raft.
yellow , blue , red  +3 další
CZK 960
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 96 ◀ ◀
-10 %

Panda Raft C1 101/3 - three-piece

for order
Very high quality paddle for canoe and raft.
yellow , blue , red  +2 další
Load more


Store: +420 737 332 592
Rental: +420 722 557 117

email: info@vodacke-centrum.cz


Area of Water Element

- store + rental

Veslařská ulice (vedle sportoviště U Hrocha )

Brno - Komín, 624 00




April - September:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 18:00
Sat 8:30 - 12:00

October, March:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 17:00

November, December, January, February:

Mo - Fri 9.00 - 16.00
