The Soul Super Skip RR is a sporty creek kayak that's ideal for fast maneuvers and precise control on whitewater. With a dynamic design, it offers easy turns and a nimble ride. Great for kayakers who love the playfulness of half-slice kayaks, but need stability and performance for river running and creeking.
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Lifetime warranty |Premium outfitting |The most durable plastic |Free equipment
Soul Super Skip RR is a dynamic creek kayak designed as a sportier and more agile version of the popularSuper Skipper. These two boats were designed to work in tandem, much like golf clubs - one boat for stable performance and the other for a playful ride.Super Skip RR is here to thrill you with its sporting ability, offering great handling and precise manoeuvrability on wild water.
Super Skip RR is designed for kayakers who love quick turns and stern turns without losing control. This boat is not a half-slice, but offers a similar sense of playfulness and agility. With a design that makes it easy to turn and move forward, transitioning from a half-slice or playboat kayak to aSuper Skip RR will be seamless. The boat is ideal for smooth handling and dynamic riding in wild waters.
Technical specifications:
Super Skip RR is available in two material versions:
Soul Super Skip RR is designed for those who want a fun, sporty and precise ride without sacrificing stability and control. Imagine this boat as a Super Skipper with turbo propulsion!
Area of Water Element
- store + rental
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Brno - Komín, 624 00
April - September:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 18:00
Sat 8:30 - 12:00
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Mo - Fri 9:00 - 17:00
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Mo - Fri 9.00 - 16.00
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