


Vodácké neoprenové rukavice a pytlíky

Skvěle padnoucí rukavice a pytlíky na vodu.

V nabídce naleznete neoprenové rukavice, které jsou speciálně vyrobené pro vodáky. Velice dobře sedí na ruce, chrání je před poraněním, zajišťují termoregulaci a naopak nesnižují cit a kontakt s pádlem. Naleznete zde i vodotěsné neoprenové rukavice (rukavice Nookie, rukavice NRS), které mají svařené švy a nebo bezprstové rukavice na letní vodu. Na kajak se nejčastěji používají super teplé pytlíky na pádlo - Palm Descent a další.


IR The Shittens gloves

available at the store
IR The Shittens - Elegant, comfortable open palm boating gloves!
CZK 913 exw. VAT

EG Blanc

available at the store
EG Blan cold weather paddle bags.
CZK 822 exw. VAT

Palm Claw

available at the store
Neoprene 3mm thick mittens.
CZK 1,035
CZK 787 exw. VAT

Palm Grab Gloves

available at the store
Extremely comfortable Grab gloves.
CZK 773 exw. VAT

Palm Neoflex Gloves

available at the store
Thin, super stretchy Palm Neoflex gloves that are ideal for spring or summer activities.
CZK 517 exw. VAT

Palm High Five Gloves

available at the store
Children's neoprene gloves.
CZK 579
CZK 440 exw. VAT

Palm Throttle

available at the store
The successor to the popular Multisport...
CZK 1,350
CZK 1,026 exw. VAT

Aquadesign Redstuff

available at the store
1.5 mm neoprene gloves with Amara fabric
CZK 550 exw. VAT

Aquadesign Summer

available at the store
1.5 mm neoprene fingerless gloves
CZK 607 exw. VAT

Hiko Slim gloves

available at the store
Gloves suitable for kayaking and hiking made of thin neoprene..
CZK 711 exw. VAT

Nookie Insul8

available at the store
3 mm pre-bent neoprene gloves
CZK 876 exw. VAT

NRS Boater

available at the store
Fingerless gloves for summer paddling - NRS Boaters gloves
CZK 711 exw. VAT

NRS Maverick

available at the store
Gloves for winter - NRS Maverick, waterproof!
CZK 1,723 exw. VAT

NRS Toaster mitts

available at the store
Gloves for the worst cold!
CZK 1,926 exw. VAT

Palm Hook

available at the store
Pre-bent 2mm neoprene gloves.
CZK 1,275
CZK 969 exw. VAT

Palm Talon

available at the store
Neoprene mittens with open back
CZK 1,009
CZK 767 exw. VAT

Hiko B_Claw

available at the store
 Gloves designed for rescuers for the toughest conditions on the water.
CZK 653 exw. VAT

Hiko Grip

available at the store
Warm pre-bent gloves suitable for kayak and canoe...
CZK 653 exw. VAT

Hiko neoprene leg warmers 1.5

available at the store
Neoprene 3mm 
CZK 215 exw. VAT

Hiko Neoprene Mittens 3.0

available at the store
Neoprene 3mm 
CZK 240 exw. VAT

Hiko poggies 1,5

available at the store
1.5 mm thick neoprene bags.
CZK 711 exw. VAT

NoName Paddle Bags

available at the store
A luxury item for kayakers when it's really cold...
CZK 455 exw. VAT

Nookie Amara

available at the store
Great fitting gloves.
CZK 612 exw. VAT

NRS Clutch Pogies

available at the store
NRS Clutch Pogies are the ideal accessory for winter and cold water sports, providing excellent protection and warmth for your…
CZK 1,521 exw. VAT

NRS Fuse

available at the store
1mm neoprene gloves NRS Fuse against cold when paddling.
CZK 711 exw. VAT

NRS Hydroskin Gloves

available at the store
The popular NRS Hydroskin gloves for paddling on cooler days.
CZK 913 exw. VAT

Palm Current

available at the store
Windproof bags with fleece liner.
CZK 1,091 exw. VAT

Palm Descent

available at the store
Paddle bags with very easy to put on...
CZK 1,650
CZK 822 exw. VAT

PALM High Ten Gloves

available at the store
Warm and flexible, the minimalist High Ten gloves have all the essentials and are suitable for all kinds of water sports,…
CZK 636 exw. VAT

Palm Neo pogies

available at the store
Palm Neo pogies are long neoprene pogies made of 3 mm neoprene and have reflective elements and an easy to put on hem that will…
CZK 974 exw. VAT
Load more


Store: +420 737 332 592
Rental: +420 722 557 117

email: info@vodacke-centrum.cz


Area of Water Element

- store + rental

Veslařská ulice (vedle sportoviště U Hrocha )

Brno - Komín, 624 00




April - September:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 18:00
Sat 8:30 - 12:00

October, March:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 17:00

November, December, January, February:

Mo - Fri 9.00 - 16.00
