


Dětské oblečení na vodu

Dětské neopreny, dětské boty do vody, dětské vodácké helmy a jiné.

Kvalitní vodácké oblečení je pro děti, které pádlují velice důležité. Chrání děti před vlhkem, pomáhají udržovat správnou termoregulaci. Dětská vodácká helma zase snižuje riziko zranění při pohybu na vodě. Doporučujeme dětské oblečení Palm, Hiko a Elements gear.

Palm Rocket Jacket

available at the store
Excellent jacket for children and youth for wild water.
CZK 2,750
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 220 ◀ ◀
-8 %

Palm Vector Kids

available at the store
A jacket for kayaking, canoeing, sailing...just for everything! Kids Palm Vector jacket model
red , lime
CZK 1,609
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 129 ◀ ◀
-8 %

EG Husk

available at the store
Universal helmet for WW, rafting, kite with solid ear protection. Individual prices for clubs, schools and rental companies.
orange , white , black  +2 další
CZK 1,290
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 129 ◀ ◀
-10 %

Palm High Five Gloves

available at the store
Children's neoprene gloves.
CZK 579
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 46 ◀ ◀
-8 %

Palm Rock junior

available at the store
Children's neoprene boots from Palm
CZK 1,250
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 100 ◀ ◀
-8 %

Hiko Buckaroo junior

available at the store
Hiko Buckaroo junior children's paddling helmet
lime , red , black  +1 další

Palm Quantum kids LJ

available at the store
Neoprene longjohn for children with laclo extension.
CZK 2,375
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 190 ◀ ◀
-8 %

Palm Rocket Pants

available at the store
children's trousers for WW.
CZK 1,825
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 146 ◀ ◀
-8 %

Peak UK Kidz LJ

available at the store
Neoprene Peak UK Kidz that grows with your child.

Hiko Neo 3.0 Bolero Junior

momentálně vyprodáno
neoprene jacket for children Bolero Junior

Aquadesign Pitch

available at the store
Basic certified WW helmet for children
yellow , red , blue  +1 další
CZK 990
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 200 ◀ ◀
-20 %

EG Chico

available at the store
Children's growing Long John neoprene Elements Chico.

EG Nino

available at the store
Children's very comfortable growing neoprene Long John EG Nino.

Hiko Lil Sender

available at the store
Hiko Lil Sender waterproof children's paddling trousers, available in five sizes!

Hiko Rafter junior

available at the store
Children's variant of neoprene boots

Hiko Young Gun

available at the store
Children's water jacket Hiko Young Gun, produced in five sizes.

Palm Pop kids

available at the store
The cheapest good kids jacket for water tourism. Taped seams, neo cuffs...
blue - black
CZK 1,375
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 110 ◀ ◀
-8 %

Palm Sport - children's

available at the store
A basic splash for beginners, clubs, cruisers...for children's boats.
CZK 2,550
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 204 ◀ ◀
-8 %

Peak UK Kidz Neoskin Pants

available at the store
High quality neoprene pants for children.

Peak UK Kidz Neoskin Shorts

available at the store
High quality neoprene shorts for children.

Peak UK PRO KIDZ jacket

available at the store
The Pro Kidz jacket is fully waterproof, windproof and has adjustable Velcro seals at the wrists, neck and waist. A high…
lime , purple

Typhoon Ezeedon 4 Junior

available at the store
Excellent junior dry suit for wild water and other water sports.
CZK 12,150
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 1,155 ◀ ◀
-10 %

Hiko Quest Junior trousers

for order
Comfortable Hiko Quest junior pants with laclo are designed for small paddlers.
CZK 1,590
▶ ▶ Ušetříte CZK 600 ◀ ◀
-38 %

Agama Nemo superstretch

available at the store
Neoprene for the smallest paddlers.


Store: +420 737 332 592
Rental: +420 722 557 117

email: info@vodacke-centrum.cz


Area of Water Element

- store + rental

Veslařská ulice (vedle sportoviště U Hrocha )

Brno - Komín, 624 00




April - September:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 18:00
Sat 8:30 - 12:00

October, March:
Mo - Fri 9:00 - 17:00

November, December, January, February:

Mo - Fri 9.00 - 16.00
